Patreon Preview – Lost Years & A Call To Action | Jill Pagano
Deconstructing Dogma is a video bonus series hosted exclusively on Patreon. Patrons of The Deeper Pulse have unlimited access to these weekly extras in exchange for their support of the podcast. Patreon donations help keep the main feed of this pod authentic and ad-free.
This week’s Patreon Preview features excerpts from bonus episodes DD #31 & #32 where former 'Org' trainer, Jill Pagano, shares about her time in the practice. The complete two-hour convo is available to monthly patrons of the pod.
In it, Jill shares:
- What it's been like listening to the podcast & why she chose to step forward at this time.
- How she became involved in 'the Org' practice + the grief, loss, and physical pain she experienced when she chose to step away.
- Her feelings about investing 13 of her prime earning years in the Org; she shares about the long-term impact on her and her family.
The three of us discuss:
- The financial realities of hosting trainings for the Org.
- How compliance and 'fawning for favor' in the training environment kept many out of the direct line of fire, but did emotional damage nonetheless.
- The idea of "badmouthing" the practice and how infantilizing it is to be told what we can and cannot say; good-girl conditioning be damned!
- What a 'call to action' might actually look like when it comes to addressing culty dysfunction in the wellness industry at large.
- And why the three of us agree that 'saviorship' isn't likely to come from within,
You can access the full convo at patreon.com/thedeeperpulse.
The stories and opinions shared in this episode are based on personal experience and are not intended to malign any individual, group, or organization.
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