Ep.83 – Power Trip: Psychedelic Therapy & The Ethics of High-Minded Healing | Lily Kay Ross & David Nickles

This week, Candice is honored to welcome New York Magazine's Cover Story: Power Trip producers Lily Kay Ross & David Nickles to the pod. Lily & Dave share about the behind the scenes events that led to the 2021 launch of their investigative podcast series and about the backlash they’ve experience researching and reporting on abuse in psychedelic communities. Topics touched upon in this episode include: how trauma shapes our...

DD#63 – Meet The Author of ‘The Secret Practice: Eighteen Years on The Dark Side of Yoga’ | Joelle Tamraz

This week, I sit down with Joelle Tamraz to discuss her award-winning memoir, The Secret Practice: Eighteen Years on The Dark Side of Yoga. Here's a quick summary: "Joelle Tamraz was barely past twenty when she traveled to India in search of spiritual enlightenment. In Rishikesh, the home of yoga, she met an alluring older man who offered to teach her a secret practice. This encounter would realign her next twenty years. Joelle was controlled...

Ep.82 – Smokescreen: Christian Dominionism & The ‘Pro-Life’ March on Washington | Nikki G – Part 2

Welcome to the second half of a two-part exposé on the NAR movement in America. Candice continues her conversation with former insider, Nikki G, who shares more about the strategic aims of this belief system and how dominion theology has long been carving out a space in US politics. They touch a bit more on the Heritage Foundation’s presidential playbook (Project 2025), specifically its focus on unitary executive theory; in other words, the...

DD#61 – The Empty Husk: Belief, Indoctrination, & Healthy Alternatives

Hey friends. Once again, I'm coming to you solo with a new episode of Deconstructing Dogma, because our examination of how to make meaning without making a gd-mess is far from over. And in this week's release, I'm sharing more personally about my own journey with spirituality and ontological inquiry. dd #61 - The Empty Husk: Belief, Indoctrination, & Healthy Alternatives In the first few minutes of this episode, I share some...

Ep.81 – Trojan Horse: The NAR Movement, Christian Nationalism, & The Cult of Trump | Nikki G

American democracy is hanging on by a thread. But how did we get here? Today's episode offers an insider's peek into Christian nationalism. You may remember Nikki G from Ep.77; she was on the pod back in January, sharing about her work as a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach who specializes in spiritual and religious abuse. In early March, Candice invited her to sit down again for this two-part conversation. Nikki is a former devotee in the...

Having Rights vs. Doing Right

If you’ve been listening to the pod recently, you know that I’ve made the choice to shift away from featuring stories about ‘the Org’ on the main feed (really hoping it will stick). There’s now a literal digital library of evergreen episodes - between the main feed and Patreon - that all focus on the mind-body fitness brand / cult-fitness movement that I was once a part of. And frankly, there are many other topics that I’ve been...

DD#59 – Buzzkill: Dogma, Magical Thinking, & ‘Cult’ Vibes – How They Make or Break Us

In this week's episode of Deconstructing Dogma, I'm coming to you solo with a metaphysical buzzkill - as I dissect dogma, magical thinking, and how they shape our perceptions of the world and of one another. I offer up some personal stories - a few of which I've shared before - to illustrate what I (we?) often mean when we say something looks, feels, or sounds 'culty.' And I celebrate how, at times, magical thinking can be...

TDP Encore & An Update on ‘Brain Yoga’ (aka My First Cult)

This week's release features an excerpt from the episode that I recorded but didn't release last November; you might remember is as the one that was supposed to wrap the 'cult'ure series. I pulled it at the last minute & I'm still sitting on the bulk of the content (for reasons that I won't go into here). Pulled from the intro to that episode, I share a story about a recent run-in with my first-ever cult, Dahnhak (aka 'Dahn Yoga' aka 'Brain...

Ep.79 – The Flying Monkey ‘High Road’ & Sugar-Coated Shame | DD #52 | Candice & Tracy

Beginning next week, we'll be shifting the conversation here on the main feed away from wellness 'cult'ure convos. But first, back in early February, Candice invited Tracy Stamper to record a last-minute Deconstructing Dogma release for Patreon, and it soon after became one of this pod's most downloaded bonus episodes to date. Flying monkey is a term popularized in cult recovery spaces.  Borrowed from the storyline of the Wizard of Oz, it...

DD#58 – Beyond The Org: Servant Leadership & No More Bangs! | Aimee Van Ausdall – Part 2 of 2

"You saved my life... don't give anybody that power. Anybody who lets you say that without correcting you, that's highly problematic." - Aimee Van Ausdall Welcome to Part 2 with Aimee Van Ausdall. If you missed DD#57, you're definitely gonna want to start there. dd #58 - Beyond The Org: Servant Leadership & No More Bangs! | Aimee Van Ausdall - Part 2 In this second half, we pick up right where we left off: For a hot-minute, Aimee became an...