DD#59 – Buzzkill: Dogma, Magical Thinking, & ‘Cult’ Vibes – How They Make or Break Us

In this week's episode of Deconstructing Dogma, I'm coming to you solo with a metaphysical buzzkill - as I dissect dogma, magical thinking, and how they shape our perceptions of the world and of one another. I offer up some personal stories - a few of which I've shared before - to illustrate what I (we?) often mean when we say something looks, feels, or sounds 'culty.' And I celebrate how, at times, magical thinking can be...

New Site In The Works

I’ve been in desperate need of a new website for years now, and I’m finally doing something about it. Inspired, in part, by the fact that my DIY approach to all things website, which (I thought) worked pretty a-okay for two decades, has led to a bit of an SEO nightmare. The google-gods seem intent on pulling content from my former life into my top-level nav of my website. I’m not kidding, folks… content I wrote in 2006 and 2014 keeps on...

TDP Encore & An Update on ‘Brain Yoga’ (aka My First Cult)

This week's release features an excerpt from the episode that I recorded but didn't release last November; you might remember is as the one that was supposed to wrap the 'cult'ure series. I pulled it at the last minute & I'm still sitting on the bulk of the content (for reasons that I won't go into here). Pulled from the intro to that episode, I share a story about a recent run-in with my first-ever cult, Dahnhak (aka 'Dahn Yoga' aka 'Brain...

Ep.79 – The Flying Monkey ‘High Road’ & Sugar-Coated Shame | DD #52 | Candice & Tracy

Beginning next week, we'll be shifting the conversation here on the main feed away from wellness 'cult'ure convos. But first, back in early February, Candice invited Tracy Stamper to record a last-minute Deconstructing Dogma release for Patreon, and it soon after became one of this pod's most downloaded bonus episodes to date. Flying monkey is a term popularized in cult recovery spaces.  Borrowed from the storyline of the Wizard of Oz, it...

DD#58 – Beyond The Org: Servant Leadership & No More Bangs! | Aimee Van Ausdall – Part 2 of 2

"You saved my life... don't give anybody that power. Anybody who lets you say that without correcting you, that's highly problematic." - Aimee Van Ausdall Welcome to Part 2 with Aimee Van Ausdall. If you missed DD#57, you're definitely gonna want to start there. dd #58 - Beyond The Org: Servant Leadership & No More Bangs! | Aimee Van Ausdall - Part 2 In this second half, we pick up right where we left off: For a hot-minute, Aimee became an...

Ep.78 – P.S. Paper Tigers, Embodied Activism, Spiritual Gaslighting, & A Whistleblower ‘Reality’ Check | Special Guests

Welcome to another Patreon Sampler. Over a dozen conversations have dropped while Candice has been on break from the main feed (that's here), and there are currently 60+ ‘cult’ure series related bonus episodes now streaming over on Patreon. Episode #78 features some of the best moments from recent releases. On activism, diet 'cult'ure, & self-care >> Aimee Van Ausdall shares about her very-public exit from ‘the Org’, how she's...

DD#57 – Leaving Loudly: Bullies, Paper Tigers, & A Size-Stigma Reality Check | Aimee Van Ausdall – Part 1 of 2

"It is not, and it has never been disloyal to question things." - Aimee Van Ausdall Please help me welcome Aimee Van Ausdall to the pod! A few weeks ago, Aimee and I sat down for a candid, heart-hitting conversation; and this week, I'm releasing the first half. In Part 1, Aimee shares what motivated her to separate from 'the Org' in a very public way. We talk social justice. And she adds to our ongoing diet 'cult'ure convo. dd #57 - Leaving...