I’ve been in desperate need of a new website for years now, and I’m finally doing something about it. Inspired, in part, by the fact that my DIY approach to all things website, which (I thought) worked pretty a-okay for two decades, has led to a bit of an SEO nightmare. The google-gods seem intent on pulling content from my former life into my top-level nav of my website. I’m not kidding, folks… content I wrote in 2006 and 2014 keeps on popping up on page 1. And this new-age fundamentalist in recovery ain’t loving it. Talk about conflicting ‘brand’ messages!
Anyhoo, I needed a digital intervention, so I wanna give a shoutout to @brittanyvoie at Voie Hype for consulting / hands-on helping me start from scratch so that I can rebuild elsewhere.
I had plans to release a solo episode on Wednesday, but I’ve decided to push it out to push through this beast of a project. I’ll be back on the main feed once I get all this web stuff sorted. (Hopefully next week!)