We’re not done yet

After taking six weeks off from the podcast, I’ve come to realize two things: 1) sometimes when I want to cut&run, all I really need is an open-ended breather… and 2) the ‘cult’ure series isn’t over yet.

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll carry on, but I’ve decided to keep the fire burning for now. Folks just keep showing up for amazing conversations – and in solidarity with this work – so we’re gonna keep at it through the end of January at the very least.

I’ll be back on the main feed NEXT WEEK with another two-part convo. And this time, I’ll try not to delete it at the last minute; lol.

Also, if you’re resonating with ‘cult’ure series content, consider checking out the extras over on Patreon. No, it’s not another social media channel! It’s just an easy place for me to host bonus content; you can even sign up and show your support of the pod anonymously. We currently have 48 Deconstructing Dogma bonus episodes & counting (another one drops tomorrow). I release one episode/week over there

… yes, even when I’m ghosting you on the main feed of the podcast. 😜


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